Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Exploring Animism - Progenitor of Religion

1. the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.
2. the belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe.


What is Animism?

As part of my personal healing and decolonialization journey, I have been exploring the concept of Animism, and the many indigenous cultures which have developed around the belief that all living beings, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena are imbued with spirit/formless yet intelligent energy, by an intelligent, organizing creative Source. 

A world view centered in Animism underlies most indigenous belief systems, and has been found by scholarly and anthropological research to be the root origin of all organized religions. I am of the belief that humanity would not be threatened by a planetary burn-out if modern society were to adopt an animistic perspective. (Today's video may help me make that point.)

As things stand, the "big three," Abrahamic religions, reject Animism as blasphemy and idolatrous. However, such a view of Animism is based largely in ignorance and self serving bias. The cultural and spiritual practices of indigenous people, their languages and ways have been misunderstood and maligned by colonizing self interest. It is because of racial, religious and cultural bias, a lack of philosophical, language, and cultural understanding, as well as for the purpose of subjugation and eradication of indigenous peoples, that colonizing peoples around the world have adopted a closed and self serving perspective.  It is simply a fact that colonizing influences, with their racial, cultural, and religious prejudices, have generated tainted early historical writings, research, and understandings of indigenous peoples' spiritual practices and culture, creating a bias against Animism which has been carried forward into today.  This leaves our modern secular lives mostly bereft of conversation and shared understandings about animist perspective and practices, even when many cultural traditions and world religions find their origin in Animism.

For that reason I am going to start sharing content from modern day scholars, who have a stronger understanding of historical writings, anthropological data, and less biased agendas. Mostly I am doing this for my own edification, but I hope you will find it interesting and helpful as well.

 First up is a YouTube video I found yesterday. Enjoy!

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