Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Exploring Animism - Progenitor of Religion

1. the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.
2. the belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe.


What is Animism?

As part of my personal healing and decolonialization journey, I have been exploring the concept of Animism, and the many indigenous cultures which have developed around the belief that all living beings, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena are imbued with spirit/formless yet intelligent energy, by an intelligent, organizing creative Source. 

A world view centered in Animism underlies most indigenous belief systems, and has been found by scholarly and anthropological research to be the root origin of all organized religions. I am of the belief that humanity would not be threatened by a planetary burn-out if modern society were to adopt an animistic perspective. (Today's video may help me make that point.)

As things stand, the "big three," Abrahamic religions, reject Animism as blasphemy and idolatrous. However, such a view of Animism is based largely in ignorance and self serving bias. The cultural and spiritual practices of indigenous people, their languages and ways have been misunderstood and maligned by colonizing self interest. It is because of racial, religious and cultural bias, a lack of philosophical, language, and cultural understanding, as well as for the purpose of subjugation and eradication of indigenous peoples, that colonizing peoples around the world have adopted a closed and self serving perspective.  It is simply a fact that colonizing influences, with their racial, cultural, and religious prejudices, have generated tainted early historical writings, research, and understandings of indigenous peoples' spiritual practices and culture, creating a bias against Animism which has been carried forward into today.  This leaves our modern secular lives mostly bereft of conversation and shared understandings about animist perspective and practices, even when many cultural traditions and world religions find their origin in Animism.

For that reason I am going to start sharing content from modern day scholars, who have a stronger understanding of historical writings, anthropological data, and less biased agendas. Mostly I am doing this for my own edification, but I hope you will find it interesting and helpful as well.

 First up is a YouTube video I found yesterday. Enjoy!

Monday, October 18, 2021

A Second Witches Day Out Weekend event in Houghton Lake!

 That is right, Witches Weekend part 2! 

I will say that these weekends are very exciting and if you are into Halloween you would have a great time. The have a cash bar, food vendors, music inside and out. There was even live performance music outside last Saturday and it was good! I am expecting even more from the organizers this coming Saturday Oct 23, because they have promised to level up their game which was exceptionally good already.

Here are the details for the weekend. I will be there on Saturday, offering tarot readings from the Open Air Bazaar, in my HEATED Gazebo! That is right! I will have HEAT!

OCT 22 AT 4 PM – OCT 24 AT 2 PM

Witches Weekend II

Houghton Lake, Michigan
For more information contact: 

For tickets, visit

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Houghton Lake 10/16 Witches Day Out Event - Weekend!

 This Saturday, 10/16, I will be Reading Tarot at the Houghton Lake, Witches Weekend Out, and I'm inviting you! 

Event Link:
The Northern Center
7784 Stone School Rd.
Houghton Lake, MI 48629

Click This for an Event Invite

These events ate a lot of fun for the whole family, with activities, food, shopping and psychics galore! Of Course I'm there so You know at least one quality reader to visit. <Cheeky Grin>

Please share the opportunity with friends. Event Pricing is lower to make readings more easily available. Plus the shopping and metaphysical products present at the Vendor's booths has been quality.  

Witches Weekend Event Tickets 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Lilly's Message

This morning, in the cool of predawn, I took my dog for her morning walk. I usually love these times and yet, this morning I was preoccupied by negative thoughts concerning an altercation I'd been involved in last Friday. I was running the incident over in my mind, contemplating the ethics of using physical force.

Natural law, the law of Cause and Effect or Karma, does vibrationally allow one to act in self defense. Natural law, Energetic law, Moral law does allow us to protect our-selves, family, and property from the violence, abuse, manipulation and coercion of others. As long as you are acting within the bounds of moral law the consequences will usually shift energetically in your favor, which is how things had played out for me. 

However, here I am five days later, my thoughts still angry and violent. I am not going to deny it out of some misguided idea that a spiritual person shouldn't get angry or follow the impulse to physically protect their loved ones. If you don't know me well, I have an early childhood development history of violence and abuse, CPTSD. I have done a lot of  therapy and self healing work, mostly to overcome my trauma response. Violence is not where I choose to live and vibrate. Even so, the need to protect my family from the violence of coercion, manipulation, and perceived threat stirred a deep well of rage within me. It is a mark of great healing that the person my wrath was directed toward on Friday remains unscathed if ego bruised.

These thoughts of violence were very loud in my head as I walked and the energy I was building around them was not healthy.  I am not sure if I could have broken the cycle of CPTSD response on my own. Thankfully, something, some force, power or angel interceded; drawing the focus of my attention to a  rainbow painted stone which had been lovingly placed in my line of sight. 

The message on the stone was simple and timely.


I am thankful for how far I have come on my healing journey, for the reminder of the darkness which still lives inside of me, for the power and strength there as well - which allowed me to control my violent impulses in a moment of extreme stress, but especially for my guardian spirits who walk with me on my journey.  

Lilly, whoever and wherever you are, Thank you for the message of light. I will. 

To my loved ones . . . I will always have your back.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Port Huron, MI, 10/9 Witches Day Out Event Announcement, and WDO-Lapeer Review

 Whoosh, What a day Saturday 10/2, 2021 was! 

It was good folks, It was good! 

Event management at the Witches Day Out in Lapeer, MI, was well oiled and smooth running. We rolled in on-time for vendor set up, and were given our vendor spot within moments. Thanks to careful planning & pre-organization on our part, we were set up with plenty of time left to look around and have a little breakfast before attendees started arriving. 

I was glad to have selected the open air market area for my Tarot booth location. By setting up an outdoor gazebo for my reader table, I was able to offer a level of privacy the inside readers could not. To be honest I didn't get a chance to explore the shops because I was too busy at my reader booth and having fun with the contests, and dancing to the music they were playing. It was a lively happening place.

A hearty congrats to the event's DJ/Host, who kept the Bazaar hopping with fun contests and participation activities. Also to his posy of assistants. I was surprised by the amount of things they had going on to entertain us spread out through the day. It was fun to participate! I won the contest for Most Frightening Witches Cackle, deservedly if I do say so myself. I didn't think it would be fair to participate in any of the competitions after that though. snort!

10/9/21 Witches Day Out Event Flyer
Those of you who are looking for a bit of meta-physical shopping, some Halloween fun, and a Tarot reading from yours truly, I'll be at another Witches Day Out Event October 9, 2021 in Port Huron, MI! 

<applause with screaming fans! yeees!> 

Details Below!

✨🌙 Please join us for 🧙🏼‍♀️

Witches DAY Out!
In Port Huron, Michigan 10/9/21 @ 11am

Grab your Witches Hat & Broomstick and join us Saturday, October 9th from 11:00am-5:00pm and let your Inner Witch FLY!
Event Link;
@ The Fraternal Order of The Eagles
2645 Howard St.
Port Huron, MI 48060
It will be a Spook-tacular time with Magical shopping with our Witches Bazaar Vendors INDOOR & OUTDOOR!

Once again you will find my Tarot booth located in the open air Shopping Bazaar!
For more information contact: