Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Pandemic Check In

 For those who are wondering how I am spending the pandemic I thought I would give you a little update.

I have been giving my focus to personal health issues of diet and exercise. Part of being a healthy spirit includes taking care of the body. The body is a manifestation of our individualization from the whole and of our frequency. It is a reflection of our individual energetic and vibrational Being. Disease can be a way for our higher Soul to communicate with and guide us into better alignment.  I am a diabetic and my disease has taught me many things about life. I don't reject it anymore. I embrace that it is teaching me to take care of myself and revealing areas I have been stuck spiritually. I have begun using disease as a tool. 

Before pic - taken Feb 22/2020

For many years I have followed the well meaning guidance of doctors, and the medically established treatment they prescribed for diabetes. My health was not improving and in fact the disease was progressing. I was put on ever increasing doses of medicine and on insulin.My weight ballooned. I developed cataracts, which were removed at the beginning of the pandemic.  My physical condition was deteriorating as I ignored my own intuition about the state of my health, my medical treatment, and about how I should be eating, in favor of the medical guidance I received. 

During the pandemic I was forced to be with myself, take stock of my health, habits, attitudes and to make different choices. I opened myself to new information and a different way of treating diabetes was presented to me. I can't offer medical advice to others but I can share informational links and my progress in private direct message. 


I have dropped 76 of the 90 lbs  I gained after being put on insulin. I am halfway to my goal body weight. I feel much better. No more swollen ankles and feet! Most of that weight had to come off before I could exercise without hurting myself. I used some of my pandemic relief money to buy myself a bicycle. Where before I could hardly walk a mile, I am now street cycling about 6 miles a day.  The farthest I've cycled in one go is 17 miles, in the Huron National Forest where it is nice and flat. 

A little dog in need of rescue found her way into our home by a series of synchronous events at the beginning of May 2021, which has been an energy charger for our home and especially for me. It is much better to walk the dog than to be walked. I admit to needing her as incentive to move. It is easier for me to do the right thing for her than to take on the challenge for my own benefit. No shame in admitting that. 

I am feeling more empowered and that is the best thing that has come out of this pandemic for me. I am listening to my own inner voice about what I need. Learning to trust Source as my generous provider and I am reversing the diabetes and recovering my power.

I hope all of you are well and making the changes that best serve you as well. 

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