It used to seem like I was always reaching; as though all my hopes, desires, dreams and goals were just out of reach. Wanting, desiring just isn't enough. I think maybe that is because there is an element of lack in the experience of desiring. If all we do is aknowledge our desire for a thing . . . that yearning also informs the universe of our belief in the lack of it, that we don't have what we desire. It sure is easy to get stuck in that place of yearning. To be always reaching, noticing only the lack of fulfillment; a real problem for anyone seeking to manifest through deliberate creation.
Talking about this makes me think of my Mama. She used to say something like "I feel for you, but I just can't reach you. . ." when she wanted us to understand that she sympathized but we were going to have to help ourselves. My siblings and I learned if we wanted something we had to get it for ourselves, find our own solutions, be independent or at least make an attempt to.
Doing, doesn't seem to cut it either. . .
My Mama would have said "Do something about it. Go after what you want." Conventional wisdom, but doing something doesn't seem to cut it either. I mean, doing something doesn't guarantee successfully reaching the goal. I have spent enough time spinning my wheels to know that. I've rocked and spun my tires smooth! I've thrown down gravel, added weight in my trunk. I've tried paying for a tow, a lift, an edge only to get nowhere. That is until I did something about my vibration.
Until we do something about our vibration
“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Albert Einstein
The Teaching
When My Desires and Beliefs are a Vibrational Match
That which is like unto itself is drawn, so the vibration of your being must match the vibration of your desire. Another way of saying that is your desires and your beliefs must be a vibrational match in order for you to receive that which you desire. ~ Abraham/Ester Hicks
But, How do I get from here to there!
We all want to know the answer to that one! And there is an answer, many. Understanding that our desires and beliefs must be a vibrational match however is pivotal in being able to obtain results or movement. If we don't first understand how we are impeding our own progress, by fostering negative or erroneous beliefs, we just won't get there. We will be stuck. We might be putting in all kinds of effort and won't be in the right place at the right moment to meet that opportunity. All of our efforting and our desires will get us nowhere. No fruit.
I have spent too much time coming to an understanding of this key to manifestation (regret tinged,) the hero who got lost in the wilderness.
Which reminds me that, as the hero, I have wandered the wild places and faced many an adversary, growing and developing the skills, knowledge, strength, and magic needed; gathering tools and companions for my journey's quest. I digress. Those are thoughts for another blog topic.
Back to the teaching. . .
That which is like unto itself is drawn, so the vibration of your being must match the vibration of your desire. Another way of saying that is your desires and your beliefs must be a vibrational match in order for you to receive that which you desire.
The vibration of my Being . . must match. . the vibration of my desire
Well dang, if it isn't so. Once I turned my awareness to shifting thoughts and beliefs and began aligning my energies/vibration/frequency (interchangeable) with my desires life opened up for me and the blessings began pouring through. I started lining up with opportunity. When I get stuck reaching now, I find it much easier to recognize the old patterns of belief and inhibitive thinking. My energies shift as I refocus my awareness, turning toward the preferred with appreciation. Tensions melt. Resistance lessens, and I'm back in the flow.
I am never stuck, for I can choose new thoughts and new ways of thinking. My future can always be more positive, more loving and more prosperous. ~ Louise Hay Affirmation
And that is where I am going to leave you today, my friends. Thinking about what it means, and what kind of shift it would require, to bring your desires and your Being into vibrational alignment. A How To topic we will explore further another day.
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