Many, if not all, of us have Facebook friends who constantly complain about their lives, health, exes; who make negative or critical posts, and dour comments, or always seem to be focusing on some source of pain in the world. Well, I have been there, chronically depressed and anxiety ridden, experiencing panic attacks, engaging in self harming behaviors. I have been stuck in gloom to the point where I just wanted OUT, out of life.
That began to change when I watched a movie called What the Bleep Do We Know.
Here is a clip from that movie which helped me understand that I could start to make the shift out of gloom and into emotional health and mental well-being.
Here is a clip from that movie which helped me understand that I could start to make the shift out of gloom and into emotional health and mental well-being.
It was in watching this movie, I began to realize my responsibility in creating the negative state of my existence. I was addicted to and fostering a negative mindset and emotional state of being, and in doing so attracting more negative situations to feed my addiction to negative emotions. After all, I am the one choosing to believe the thoughts I'm thinking, choosing how to react to the various circumstances of life. I am the one choosing to obsess, to be offended or irritated, to personalize and otherwise absorb the negative encountered. I was the person looking in the mirror and hissing hateful self criticisms. Yes, I experienced bullying as a child. I've had hateful things said and done to me. I have been abused by others. But, through all of that, I also have had a choice in how to respond and in what I would believe. Through the movie, I learned that cells recreate themselves based on the chemical composition of their parent cell and that when I foster negative thoughts I keep my body in a state of growing chemical imbalance.
The second big influence on my emotional well-being came through the work of Ester and Jerry Hicks, The Law Of Attraction, and the teachings of Abraham, where I learned about how to use my emotions as a compass --indicating how far in or out of alignment with Source my thoughts are based on the level of negative charge my emotional state of being has in any given situation.
For some time now, I have been making an internal shift away from a negative emotional "set point." In fact, making this shift has been something I've been working on with focused intent for several years and is the main reason I didn't write much about my stay in India while I was there.
If you are unfamiliar with the terminology "set point," I'm referring to what the teachings of Abraham describe as one's habitual mental and emotional state of being, or frequency of vibration. The key word being HABITUAL. Our "set point" is the most practiced mental/emotional state-of-being or response we offer the world. It is where we are most comfortable emotionally and mentally, our "go to" most practiced habitual hang out frequency, our main vibe. For most people their "set point" has become a huge part or expression of their self concept or personal identity, their ego-- when they identify who they are with having essentially practiced a characteristically negative emotional set point.
This card, drawn from the Money, and the Law of Attraction Cards, has been helpful in guiding me to a better state of well-being and receptivity. I hope it can help you too.
In My Appreciation I allow Myself to Receive Wonderful Things . . .

Look for good things about where you are, and in your state of appreciation, you lift all self-imposed limitations (and all limitations are self-imposed) and free yourself for the receiving of wonderful things.
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