Saturday, March 12, 2016

Banned! What THEY don't want you thinking about. . . The Science Delusion

Although this blog's themes may seem unconnected to the scientific research in which Rupert Sheldrake Ph. D. is engaged, his theories on Morphic Resonance do serve to provide a scientific foundation for understanding how the theories and research of others, namely psychologist Carl Jung and anthropologist Joseph Campbell, can be believed and applied as truth.

Scientific theories and research can now provide measurable proof-- for skeptics of the mystical, which can explain how knowledge of sacred symbols and archetypes may be passed along on a collective level with other evolutionary knowledge hardwired into our DNA. With scientific theories such as Morphic Resonance entering global consciousness, intuitive leaps made by free and creative thinkers in the past suddenly become more digestible and less likely to be relegated as dubious pseudo science.

There was a time when humanity collectively viewed the world as flat. This idea was held in place by the governing branches of the establishment, and even enforced by the ruling order of the Christian church through religious dogma. Today, Science has become a form of religion, and scientific dogma threatens to limit the expanding edge of evolution.

The following is the banned TEDx Talk,  entitled The Science Delusion at TEDxWhitechapel. given by Rupert Sheldrake Ph. D. on January 12th, 2013. The theme for the night was Visions for Transition: Challenging existing paradigms and redefining values (for a more beautiful world). In response to protests from two militant materialist bloggers in the US, the talk Rupert gave was later taken down by TED and placed in a special corner of their website. Before it was removed from their main website it had had about 35,000 views. Since it was "banned" it has been seen by at least half a million people.

I am sharing this talk with you because it raises some valid questions about how our society has erred in failing to apply scientific principles to our beliefs about Science itself. If we are going to value Science and scientific evidence as the measure of truth, ought we not be able to apply those same tools of measurement and achieve demonstrable proof that they hold up under their own weight? What delusions are in operation that could limit humanity's leap forward in evolution? Would correcting our understanding assist us in affecting changes and creating a better society, one more in harmony with the natural world?

As part of my personal development and Hero's Journey, I have come to recognize that all is not right in my society. Rupert is one of the teachers and guides I have discovered on my quest for knowledge, clarity, and purpose.

Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist and author, is best known for his hypothesis of morphic fields and morphic resonance, which leads to a vision of a living, developing universe with its own inherent memory. He worked in developmental biology at Cambridge University, where he was a Fellow of Clare College. He was then Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), in Hyderabad, India. From 2005 to 2010 he was Director of the Perrott-Warrick project, funded from Trinity College, Cambridge. [View Biography]

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