The inspiration for this morning comes from the Esther and Jerry Hicks Teachings of Abraham deck, Getting Into The Vortex.
The card that I drew today is a good reminder for me that. . .
"Causing Pain for Others Would Attract Pain to Me".
Most of us don't consciously intend, as we go about our days, to cause pain for other people. We don't intend to be resistant, to insult or reject them, their ideas, their designs and plans. We just choose to give our own interests more focus and support. Sometimes, in focusing on our own desires, wants, and wishes, we offer resistance to others. We make judgments. Those judgments might be matters of simple discernment, the formation of preferences --choosing our own needs, what benefits our own desires. We simply choose not to be consenting components in the support and gratification of their desires or chosen life experience.
Other judgments may carry thoughts of superiority and even condemnation. These judgments come from a place of reactivity, a place of unconsciousness, usually negative core beliefs we haven't examined or outgrown concerning ego-identity or what is permissible behavior for us. We don't always immediately realize that we are passing judgments or that our actions are causing pain. After all, we aren't perfect, any of us. We are all at varying degrees of consciousness, and those levels may change on any given day. Comparisons create egoic and unconscious behavior/thought loops. It is more important that we self examine, once our awareness is awakened, looking for the flawed premise that is influencing our behavior and beliefs.
The flawed premise "My group's (our) way of life is the only correct way, therefore all other ways must be stopped" is the basis of the majority of unhappiness on your planet. Not only do those being pushed against feel the pain but those doing the pushing feel it as well. In fact the unhappiest, least fulfilled among you are those who are pushing against others, because in doing so, you are disallowing the most important relationship of all: the relationship between you and You.
Surrender and Forgiveness . . .
I recently had the experience of hurting a person I care deeply about. I didn't set out to hurt them. At first my actions where unconscious, reactive, bringing pain to myself and the other. It was feeling pain which forced me to realize, I was behaving in a way that was hurtful. I didn't like who I had become.
I tried to make amends, to apologize, but for whatever reason that apology wasn't understood or fully accepted and by mutual agreement a friendship was ended.
It's in moments like these when I'm reminded to surrender to the moment and accept the ebb and flow of circumstance. I am not in control of another person's choices, their point of attraction, or of the energy they are bringing into the relationship. Their choices are private and I have no measure with which to judge them. If I were in their exact place, having their same life experiences, I would likely make the exact same choices.
It Is Important to Remember That All Relationships, All Moments Involving Another, Are Co-Creative.
Each person within a relationship comes pre-programmed with their own set of negative core beliefs, moral code, value system, thoughts, habits, and attitudes, all of which impact and shape the energy of the shared moment. We only have control over our own frequency offering. Perhaps, this moment was agreed upon, unconsciously or consciously, to offer both parties an opportunity to self examine and heal those negative core beliefs and or patterns. . . Perhaps, I like to think it is so, these are the moments we actually come together in relationships to create, for the very purpose of growth and expansion. In this way relationships serve the evolution of human consciousness and Life.
If another person chooses pain over forgiveness. . . negative core beliefs over healing, that's a choice they are making. It is more important that we support their personal empowerment/choices by releasing them, than that we be proved right. What others think about us is not our business. Instead. . .
How Will We Move Forward?
Do we choose to forgive, freeing our energy from the moment? Or will we choose to personalize a negative response, allowing an activation of our own pain story and beliefs concerning acceptance, rejection, humiliation, and shame. . . ?
We are not responsible for the choices others make and can only do our best to make right whatever actions we have personally taken. We have no power to correct or to change the direction their thoughts take or the way they choose to direct their energies. Forgiving others and forgiving ourselves is key to redirecting energy and changing our point of attraction/frequency. It is through Surrender and Forgiveness that we disentangle our energies from these negative patterns of interaction.
Surrender to the Moment.
Forgive the Moment.
Release the Moment.