Monday, February 25, 2019

Reaching For Improved Thoughts

"What Is" Can Be Frightening 

Take for example my present situation, recently returned from India to the USA, with everything I own fitting in a carry-on suitcase, no job, no money, and no prospects to start life over with.

At the moment the hardest thing I am coping with is being reliant on my family for assistance and support. They have been wonderful but, the pressure to find employment is immense.  In my worst moments I am a terrified gibbering mess.

What is that Frank Herbert quote from Dune?
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration."

Looking for Relief 

Many mornings I wake from a night terror in which I am homeless, because I haven't been able to find work. I don't remember much of the dreams, but I know that the fear is still with me when I opened my eyes. The urgency to be working is so powerful a motivator it has been consuming all of my thoughts and efforts.

Keeping a positive attitude is proving difficult. This has been a tough year and my confidence has been badly shaken by the unhappy experience of going to India and not being able to succeed in making a life there.

I keep reminding myself that Source is my generous provider. I only have to look at the many great and surprising things which came together to bring us home in order to find evidence of it.  I can't be anything but gratefully amazed. 

I Reach for an Improved Thought

The card I pulled today, from my Getting Into the Vortex deck, reads . . .

I Can Find Harmony by Feeling For Improved Thoughts.  
If we were contemplating an action that caused negative emotion, we would not proceed with the action until we had resolved the negative emotion. We would make sure that we had come into alignment with Source before proceeding. By feeling for the improved thought, in time, and usually in a short time, you will feel the harmony of your Source; and you will know the appropriateness of your behavior. we would not look for the long lists of right and wrong, but instead, we would feel for the emotion of alignment with Source.

Today My Best Effort Is In Reaching For Improved Thoughts  

I Am Safe.
Source is my generous provider.
I have everything that I need with enough to share and to spare.
Good health is my divine right.
I Am Safe.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Cave: Going Within
Escaping the Noise
The demands of life in today's society place enormous pressure on all of us. Finding a moment away from the constant noise of traffic, advertisements, television and the urgency of every day concerns seems impossible. Friends and loved ones need us. There are bills to be paid, projects to finish. The babble is deafening! This myriad of distractions creates a cacophony of sensations that overload our receptors, desensitizing us to the voice of our creative being and Spirit.
Don't beat yourself up if you find yourself in need of "Me" time or for feeling the need to withdraw from others into the seclusion of your own private cave. Going into the cave physically or metaphorically is an important and life affirming act. Before you can find new direction you need to take time for reflection and self awareness. Winter is traditionally the time associated with going inward and self contemplation. As winter draws to its close and we often look forward to spring with restlessness and a desire to renew ourselves. Gifting yourself a period of reflection offers great benefit.

The Cave

Symbolically, the cave represents isolation, contemplation and a gathering of resources needed to face future challenges. The silence of the cave affords us an opportunity to regain our center and to ground the overflow of stresses which otherwise lead to anxiety and depression. Knowing yourself and listening deeply to the promptings of your inner voice is essential to making healthy life choices. When we fail to honor time spent alone, secluded from outside influences and demands, our spirit suffers. Desensitized and disconnected, the choices we make are not genuine to our soul expression and the sublimated urging of our authentic self will manifest in unhealthy attitudes, behaviors, and as illnesses. We become destructive, lashing out at the forces that bind us. Anger turns inward where it becomes self-loathing. We find ourselves sabotaging relationships. Our desires go unfulfilled.

Time spent in silence and contemplation may at first seem uncomfortable and challenging but the experience is healing. By turning inward and seeking the solace of isolation, energies spent in fruitless action pool internally, coalescing, focusing to recharge our mental, physical and spiritual batteries. Listening to and questioning that part of our self which remains hidden behind a social mask, will reconnect us with hopes and dreams we've buried, freeing us to gather resources, hone talents and prepare to face the rigors and challenges ahead. Often answers found within the cave reveal hidden and unexpected jewels of creativity or personal insight, opening the door to authentic self expression and deeper relationships.

A Womb Of Self Discovery

Going into the cave requires more than shutting out the intrusive demands of others, it asks that you remove yourself from the flood of outside information bombarding you. Try turning off the TV and radio. Resist popping in a DVD and "vegging" out with a bowl of popcorn. Put down the novel and separate yourself for a time from the voices of other people's creativity. Make a journal entry. Spill you guts onto the page. Paint a picture. Use your child's mud like finger paints. Go for a walk in the woods or sit on the porch and simply watch the world move around you. Observe the thoughts inside your head without criticism. Take time to be alone with yourself as a friend, listening.

Marvelous things happen in the cave; Spirit speaks, lessons are absorbed or learned. Hibernation, germination, and reflection are essential to growth and connection with the divine and they happen in the womb of the cave. The cave is your cocoon and in it your infant self develops adult organs, undergoing complete metamorphosis. Take time to know yourself and to transform. Free yourself to embrace this stage of your development. Enter the cave with trust and at peace, knowing that you will emerge from it renewed and inspired.