Cleansing Ceremony Sessions

Healing and Clearing Unwanted Energy Vibrations

"Smudge"  by Rebishka, on Flickr
House Cleansing $60 
Personal Cleansing Ceremony $30 

of the Indigenous teachings, ceremonies and sacred practices which have survived religious persecution and colonizing indoctrination are rituals of energy cleansing. These rituals survive because of the courage of Indigenous practitioners and preservers of knowledge. As a descendant of an indigenous residential-school survivor, these rituals and teachings are a keystone of my personal practice and reconnection to my ancestral roots. The ceremonies and methods I practice and share are permitted to all inhabitants of Turtle Island, as a gift from Creator for our growth and benefit.  As such, these cleansing rituals are some of the most vibrantly alive and practiced rituals surviving colonization to present day and can be taught to non-indigenous people who are respectful and seeking a closer relationship with Creator, the land, and helpful spirits residing on this continent. 

The Purpose

Clear the residual, often negative, energies which have been absorbed by or are being held by objects, places, and people. Remove Energy blocks and influences.  

Techniques available in cleansing sessions come from  Indigenous American teachings, Root work, or Wiccan traditions. 

For aura and home energy cleansing,  including but not limited to. . .
  • smudging: Tobacco offering, burning of traditional herbs cedar, sage, sweet grass, mullein. . . 
  • drumming and tonal sound vibration techniques 
  • washes - prepared for specific uses
  • "Swifting" rite: Fee $60, a ritualized cleansing ceremony for shifting energy frequencies, including facilitated shamanic breath work, guided visualization, and candle ceremony. 
 If you would like to learn more about "smudging" here is a link to a wonderful article . . .

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